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5 Common Mistakes in Lab Labeling

Published: 2022-03-08

5 Common Mistakes in Lab Labeling

In a laboratory, efficiency and precision are of the utmost importance. For labs to operate at high standards, it's necessary to understand why lab labeling matters. To put it simply, labeling materials in the lab helps researchers conduct accurate and safe experiments.

When doing lab research, it's essential to make sure you're using the correct materials at all times. This can be done easily by using proper lab labeling techniques, which can communicate information such as stability, expiration dates, proper storage and handling procedures. If you don't practice labeling in the lab correctly, you can experience a few issues.

Continue reading to learn labeling tips for labs.

1. Labels Aren't the Right Kinds

There are many tests conducted in labs, and you may need specific labels that can withstand the environment and conditions your materials will face during testing. Do you need to store your materials in the freezer? If so, you will need cryogenic labels to ensure the labels will stick, as normal adhesives aren't designed to withstand extreme temperatures.

Another point to consider when labeling in the lab is the chemicals you use. There are many chemicals that labels can be exposed to that will cause the information to smear or come off completely. Pick alcohol-resistant labels to make sure vital information remains readable after being exposed to harsh solutions.

It's also essential to consider how long you plan to use the labels. If the labels must be legible for a long time or will face many different environments, you should use thermal transfer labels to avoid having your labels fade over time.

2. Labels Are Too Hard to Read

Because many lab workers work together in a single lab, communication is necessary. When doing work in a lab, everyone involved must be aware of the information about the materials or specimens they're using. In order to reduce miscommunication, you should avoid having unclear labels that are too hard to read or give incomplete information.

Sometimes, handwritten labels are difficult to understand because of the handwriting style. If you're having an issue understanding handwritten information, pre-printed labels are the solution to your problem, making your research much easier. These kinds of labels will help you avoid common labeling mistakes by clearly displaying information every time.

Additionally, lab labels can be too hard to read when they're not the correct size. In that case, you should choose custom lab labels. Customizing your lab labels for your specific needs will ensure you have the exact fields and size requirements you need to clearly display information.

Using labels with barcodes help share accurate data

3. Labels Don't Have Barcodes

Using a barcode system in a lab can make research much easier and help with data management. In particular, barcode labels are an effective resource for labs because they help keep everything organized. These labels are often used for tracking specimens. 

Through barcode labeling in the lab, you have the ability to track what materials are used during different tests and where specimens are stored. A barcode system reduces the risk of human error when recording data and sharing information with your team and other labs. This leads to fewer mistakes. Additionally, you can create a more organized lab space when you choose labels that work in a barcode system.

Overall, the use of barcodes when labeling in the lab helps with producing and sharing accurate data and makes internal and external collaboration much easier.

4. Your Lab Isn't Using Industry-Wide Best Practices

Every lab has its own unique ways to identify samples. However, it's crucial that they always use industry best practices. Ensuring information for lab labels is consistent across the board means other labs and researchers can understand the information from your research and tests. It also helps you prevent errors when working with other labs and allows them to easily expand on your work. As a result, collaboration becomes easier.

Using industry best practices is vital for building working relationships with other labs because each party involved uses the same systems, and you don't want any disconnect when you share information. If everyone involved is using industry best practices, it will help avoid wasting time trying to understand shared information.

As mentioned, accuracy and efficiency are essential for labs, so using industry-wide best practices will help keep information consistent when collaborating and communicating with researchers from other labs.

5. Labels Don't Have Important Warnings

A common error when working in a lab is leaving out important warnings. This could be a costly mistake since laboratories work with different hazardous materials and equipment. To help ensure the safety of everyone involved, you must clearly label potentially dangerous items with the proper instructions and warnings. 

Therefore, warning labels are essential to lab safety, as they use bright colors to draw attention to the most crucial information. These labels display information about the behavior of materials, potential hazards, directions, dates and other time-sensitive information about the materials. Clearly displaying that information on all objects will ensure the lab is following federal and state regulations and help create a safe work environment.

Order custom lab labels from Nev's Ink

Choose Lab Labels From Nev's Ink to Streamline Your Lab Practices

There's no denying that proper labeling in the lab is essential to produce the most accurate and efficient research possible. Using lab labels helps you keep track of materials and organize and communicate important information. While labeling seems like a simple process, it's crucial to avoid making common mistakes in your lab. Avoid the chance of errors altogether by following proper lab labeling procedures and making sure you have the correct labels for your lab's needs.

Nev's Ink has a large selection of custom and pre-printed labels specifically for use in laboratory settings. We serve the healthcare, veterinary and cannabis industries, aiming to help you streamline your lab processes. Browse our online store to see our array of options for lab labeling.

Contact us today with any questions about how we can help you maintain safer lab practices with labeling.



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