Nursing Labels


Position Labels – Special Procedures


Position Labels – Spine


Position Labels – Standing


Position Labels – Stat


Position Labels – Stereo


Position Labels – Supine


Position Labels – Tan


Position Labels – Tomograms


Position Labels – Uio


Position Labels – Ultrasound


Position Labels – Unread Xray


Position Labels – Upright


Position Labels – Weight Bearing


Position Labels – With Contrast


Position Labels – Without Contrast


Position Labels – Without Weights


Position Labels – X-Ray Copies Do Not Return


Position Labels – XCCL


Position Labels – XCCM


Post Angio Patient


Precaution Labels – Airborne Precaution


Precaution Labels – Airborne Precaution


Precaution Labels – Airborne Precaution


Precaution Labels – Contact Precaution


Precaution Labels – Contact Precaution


Precaution Labels – Contact Precaution


Precaution Labels – Droplet Precaution


Precaution Labels – Droplet Precaution


Precaution Labels – Droplet Precaution


Printed Chart Labels – Allergic


Printed Chart Labels – Room No


Printed Chart Labels – Room No Patient Doctor


Printed Chart Tape – Absolute Bed Rest


Printed Chart Tape – Admitting Notes Needed


Printed Chart Tape – Allergic


Printed Chart Tape – Ambulatory


Printed Chart Tape – Anticoagulant Therapy


Printed Chart Tape – Attention


Printed Chart Tape – Attention


Printed Chart Tape – Bathe and Feed Patient


Printed Chart Tape – Bathroom Privileges


Printed Chart Tape – Bed Flat


Printed Chart Tape – Bed Patient


Printed Chart Tape – Blue Cross Admission


Printed Chart Tape – BMR In A.M.


Printed Chart Tape – Cardiac Care


Printed Chart Tape – Case is Certified


Printed Chart Tape – Circumcision


Printed Chart Tape – Delay Breakfast


Printed Chart Tape – Delivery Room


Printed Chart Tape – Diabetic


Printed Chart Tape – Diagnosis Needed


Printed Chart Tape – Discharge Notes Needed


Printed Chart Tape – Do Not Change Bed Position


Printed Chart Tape – Do Not Disturb


Printed Chart Tape – Do Not Enter


Printed Chart Tape – Do Not Move Patient


Printed Chart Tape – Do Not Remove


Printed Chart Tape – Doctor Could We Please Have


Printed Chart Tape – Doctor Please Sign Order


Printed Chart Tape – Doctor’s Signature Needed


Printed Chart Tape – Emergency Case


Printed Chart Tape – Enema or Laxative Needed


Printed Chart Tape – Enema Required


Printed Chart Tape – Family Only


Printed Chart Tape – Force Fluids


Printed Chart Tape – G.I. Series


Printed Chart Tape – Going To O.R.


Printed Chart Tape – Going To X-Ray


Printed Chart Tape – Gynecology


Printed Chart Tape – Heart Stimulants


Printed Chart Tape – History and Physical Needed


Printed Chart Tape – History And Physical Overdue


Printed Chart Tape – Hold Breakfast


Printed Chart Tape – Hold Diet


Printed Chart Tape – Hold Food And Water On


Printed Chart Tape – Hold For Laboratory


Printed Chart Tape – Hold For Major Surgery


Printed Chart Tape – Inhalation Therapy


Printed Chart Tape – Intake And Output
